Thursday, March 8, 2012


Palestine is in us and we are Palestinians

We are the land and the land is us

We are the soil of Palestine

And the soil of Palestine runs through our veins

We are the air of Palestine

And the air of Palestine runs through our lungs

We are the mountains of Palestine

And the mountains of Palestine is in our steadfastness

We are the hills and valleys of Palestine

And the hills and valleys of Palestine are in our hearts

We are the olive trees of Palestine

And the olive trees of Palestine give us our skin color

We are the rocks and stones of Palestine

And the rocks and stones of Palestine give us courage



                                    -Fadi Zanayed

                                    March 8, 2012

                                    12:13 pm

(  © Copyright, Fadi Zanayed.  Publication or distribution of this material is allowed provided its content is not altered and the source and its author are cited.)

Crying Out From My Roots

I am an olive tree in the spring
I have come through another winter
The rainy season has made my buds spring forth
My leaves will come next as my vegetation develops
I will continue to grow in the summer
As my harvest reenergizes me in the fall

My greenery dots the landscape
My olive skin is imbedded in my people
My olive oil flows through their veins
I am the agricultural epicenter of Palestine
I am a symbol of Palestinian steadfastness

My oil brings forth health benefits
The first olive pressing makes me extra virgin
Making me a friend of a healthy heart
Those who drink my oil have longevity
My oil is known to block the generation of cancerous tissue
Cooking with my oil is better for you

Those who know zeit wa zatar have cherished me for years
My roots are deep within the soil of the Holy Land of Palestine
My years have turned into centuries
The sun, the rain and the soil are my best friends
I belong to the land
And the land belongs to me

Why would anyone want to destroy me?
I have only benefited mankind
What have I done to cause my uprooting?
I am the oil of Palestine
My branches have survived emperors, conquerors and world wars
My trunks have survived droughts, floods, invasions and war

But I cannot survive the Apartheid Israeli occupation
I cannot survive the Apartheid Israeli settlers
My branches are being slaughtered
My trunks are being massacred
The victims of genocide are committing genocide upon me
The victims of genocide are committing genocide upon my owners

My roots cry out for justice
My roots cry out for understanding
My roots cry out for steadfastness
My roots cry out for education
My roots cry out for intervention
My roots cry out for peace

                Fadi Zanayed
                March 8, 2012
                7:32 am